Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sam!

My BFF had a baby boy two years ago today. Our plan is, of course, that our boys be BFFs too!

September 2011
The day before Sam was born!
October 2011
Five and a half and one and a half months old.
December 2011
Almost eight and almost four months old.
February 2012
Almost six and ten months old.
March 2012
Ten and a half and six and a half months old.
July 2012
Sixteen and ten months old.
(Then a huge long break where we didn't see each other, except at Christmas and Memorial Day weekend, and didn't take photos either time...)

July 2013
Twenty-two and twenty-six months old.


  1. The age difference gets noticeably less and less as they get older. Glad you two both had boys the same year. Now I suppose Isaac, Titus, and ? can be the 3 muskateers of this year. Unless Ali has a girl, in which case Ezra can marry her--(Titus and Isaac will be too immature for her. hehe).

  2. Yeah, from here on out their age difference shouldn't be perceptible!

    I like the sound of that, Ali. Ezra William and Penelope Scheherazade Tong Parkinson!

    (Except that having two boys is the best ever.)
