Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday Update #39 (9/27/13)

Saturday: a nice day cuddled up at home. Mom stopped by for an hour on her way home from a wedding. Seth got home really late.

Sunday: Sunday School. Ezra didn't go to his class, but fell asleep during the service?!?, as did Isaac, so Seth and I both sat through the service. We went to Mom and Dad's for the Seahawk game, then Hannah and Ruth came over.

Monday: Happy birthday to me!

Tuesday: Seth had another super early job and was therefore home early. He made calls and I played with the boys and then we all went to Winco together. Ezra had a rough time getting in the car and shopping, but I guess he went to bed easily, so maybe it was worth it? Then we watched The Departed. I tried to iron and fold clothes, but Isaac kept waking up and Seth fell asleep.

The summer after we graduated from college, Seth suggested we work our way through a list of his 50 favorite movies that he had made his last semester. The Departed was actually on that list, though we never got to it then. I definitely would give some credit to that list of movies for "making" us spend time together that summer and eventually start dating. But I couldn't help notice the vast difference in how we watched movies then versus now. Like, then we actually tried to watch movies? I can't remember the last time we've tried to watch a movie together recently. It's probably been a few months. And then we finally try to? And I do chores and Seth sleeps. Ah, well.

Wednesday: We did a much better job of getting Ezra to BSF this week! I can't exactly celebrate, because mostly I feel like we just tricked him. We didn't tell him where we were going until we got out of the car at the church. And of course, he started screaming and had to be plucked off of my neck. But he said he had fun. (After he said "I cried a lot, Mommy".) Once again, a highlight was "standing in line"?

Wednesday afternoon he started to get a runny nose, so we were going to stay home from BEN, but he fell asleep at 5:30, so I thought he could just sleep through BEN so I could go to class still... but I didn't want to put Isaac in nursery either, since he would have been exposed to Ezra's germs. So Seth got to hold Isaac and I held Ezra for a while - until he woke up screaming that his "neck" (throat) hurt... and so we spent most of BEN sitting in the hallway trying to get Ezra to drink juice.

That night was pretty rough. Isaac woke up congested at midnight and cried and sniffled his way through the night, and Ezra woke up a few times.

Thursday: Of course I woke up congested and with a pounding headache. So the three of us laid on the couch all day. We were supposed to go to Arsenic and Old Lace, but tickets sold out. And it was nice to just stay home and try to recover. The boys fell asleep early! (but half woke up every few hours all night long), and Seth had a friend of ours over to watch the '49s vs. Rams while I bundled up on the couch and listened to them talk.

Friday: Dad came over and took Ezra away for the day. They went to Hannah's apartment and to Ruston Way (and saw seals and "big giant huge ships!") and then Dad determined Ezra should even spend the night with him! I wish I could say I was especially productive, but even though I did get some stuff done, I also laid in bed and held Isaac and read for a long time. Thankfully, "just resting" seems to be working and I do feel better finally. Better as in recovered/ing from this cold and as in just refreshed. Ezra is a lot of work and I spend most of my time with him and/or Isaac. I love my boys, but these days time apart from them is very rare.

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