Friday, June 28, 2013

Friday Update #26 (6/28/13)

This weather has completely wiped me out. We're on day two of mid 80s and it's official: I'm the biggest wimp. Well, me and Isaac. He was fussier today that he's ever ever been. He screamed for an hour on the long journey to get to my friend's baby shower, until he started choking on his screams. It was horrible. So I at least have a good excuse to hide up in the north pole now. "It's for my baby's sake!" Ha.

What else have we done?

I talked Mom into coming over to cut Ezra's hair.

We went to visit Grandpa in the hospital and bribed Ezra with a 59 cent ice cream cone.

The hot weather means lots of cool treats!

We went to the June picnic at the Hamlin's.

We cuddled with Isaac and watched some Mariner games.

Grandma painted with Ezra.

Ezra decided to use the walker.

And! best of all!!! We went on a date! With Isaac, sure, but still! It totally counts. And it was oh so needed.

Exhausting, isn't it? We had such a busy week.

Seth has been working a lot this week. He left for work at 7am this morning and he just texted me that he won't be home tonight til midnight. He had a record number of jobs this week (it's the end of the month... and summer). And he even has two jobs on Sunday! That was the only way he could make this week happen. And in this heat! I wish I could go meet him and take him frozen gatorade or something, but that's totally impractical.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Friday Update #25 (6/21/13)

Whew, this week went fast!

Mom, Dad, Emily, the boys and I went up to Shoreline on Saturday for Rachel's graduation party. Ezra even got to hold a turtle!

And on Sunday we celebrated Father's Day and had a surprise graduation party for Mom.

Monday and Tuesday I stayed home alone with the boys all day. Seth worked three jobs on both days, so he barely saw the boys in the morning and I think both nights they were asleep by the time he got home.

On Wednesday, I talked Mom, Dad, Seth and the boys into going to Downtown on the Go's Museum walk, lead by Mayor Strickland. Of all the walks, I probably know the museums/info about the museums, the best, but I was excited to meet and hear Mayor Strickland speak. This walk was infinitely better than the last walk too.

I got some cuddles in with my happy little baby too.

And some dress up fun with my happy big boy.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Grandpa Date

Ezra is so blessed to have such a sweet relationship with his Grandpa. These two love each other just about as much as any two people could love each other.

They dressed alike (on purpose) this week at church.

And then they also got to go on a date to Wapato Park.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Friday Update #24 (6/14/13)

Since February I've been working really hard at finishing some projects around the house, like super cleaning every surface and purging as much as possible. Until Isaac was born, I focused on getting things ready for him, but since I'm no longer pregnant I've been able to do a lot more deep cleaning. My mobility and energy are (comparatively) so (much) high(er)!

My Dad, David and Seth all spent Thursday working in our yard, mowing and getting rid of a lot of the junk laying around (scrap wood and rusted metal pipes, etc). It looks AMAZING now! I am so excited. It's so nice to look out the window at freshly cut grass and not see a pile of dilapidated pallets, etc.

Ezra loved mowing the grass with Grandpa. I think he rode on the "tractor" with him for an hour straight. Then, after a quick sandwich, hopped on for another hour. Grandpa AND a tractor? What could be better?

This week Ezra has gone crazy with his shoe and dress wearing. He started wearing my flats, or one of my flats along with one of my old bridesmaid shoes. That's his favorite look. You'd think it'd be hard enough for him to walk in heels, let alone one flat and one heel, but nope. No problem. He also learned to race and can maintain his perfect balance and excessive speed even in his mismatched shoes. Goofball. Every blanket gets wrapped around his body and worn as a "beautiful dress" too.

Mom was officially offered a job at PLU in their Student Involvement and Leadership office and graduated with her A.A. from Pierce College. We're all so excited for her! She worked so hard to obtain both, and it's encouraging to see her hard work pay off.

Isaac has been very cute and sweet lately. He's always cute and sweet, I know, but lately he's just been especially enjoyable. He's been smiling a lot more and it's so rewarding to see his face light up in a smile when he hears my voice or sees my face. It's certainly easier to change his diapers or nurse him or wipe up his spit up when he reacts so happily to my ministrations.

Ezra's sleeping a bit better, plus Seth has been home, so I've been able to spend more one-on-one time with Isaac. I feel like he gets neglected sometimes. He doesn't really, because Ezra gives him additional attention, and I spend much of my day chasing after Ezra with Isaac in my arms. And, of course, Seth holds Isaac every chance he gets. But I don't necessarily get to cuddle him just for the sake of cuddling him, or ooh and aww over him and him alone. So it's sweet to have some of that extra time to bond with him. I feel like I'm enjoying him as a baby more and more.

"Superwhy" and Phonics

On PBS at 8am they play a 30 minute episode of "Curious George". Then a show called "Superwhy," which is all about books, reading, stories, letters and phonics. A few weeks ago Ezra watched an episode and started singing the theme song later that day... but I forgot about it. After all, we just watched 10 minutes of what was a random show. He did sing the song a bit, but he has so many other songs in his repertoire that it was quickly forgotten (I thought).

Except... Last night, after watching an episode of George, YouTube suggested we watch an episode of "Superwhy" which Ezra immediately recognized and wanted to watch.

Just now I needed to nurse Isaac, and Ezra (who today has been doing crazy acrobatics all day, especially around Isaac, thus waking him up every time Isaac falls asleep... suggested "watch Superwhy?" I thought that sounded like a great idea and turned it on.

We're sitting here, watching it, and the characters were sounding out the word "spring". I was zoning out until I heard Ezra say "ssss, "s" says ssss". I snapped to attention as he says "p! that's a p!" and tried to sound it out too.

But then they highlight the "r". But they were using lowercase letters (which I've rather deliberately ignored with Ezra) and when they said "r!" he said, "what? that not a "r:! that a "j"! what? that 'diculous! not "r," it "j"!

Agh!!!?!?! My baby isn't a baby anymore!

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Ezra (at 2 years, 1 month)

I was writing my friends an email and listing off all of the things Ezra does or says that make him such a big boy. The list got so long I decided to cut it out of the email and make a blog post out of it instead. Here it goes:

Ezra's not really a baby anymore. In fact, I hardly even think of him as a toddler. He's a kid. That's what he calls himself, after all. He says "I'm a big kid now" often.

His aunts tried to teach him to hold up one finger and then two, saying "Ezra was one, but now he is two". Through the end of April and the beginning of May, he had a really hard time only holding up two fingers, and he thought it was funny to say "one" in response to "how old are you?" (knowing full well that was the wrong answer, as his impish giggle proved). After his birthday, we stopped asking and showing him two fingers. But a few days ago he started to do it himself, perfectly! He says "Ezra two now. Was one. Now two!" as he holds up the appropriate number of fingers.

Last week, I asked him to show my mom this and he did. Then Mom asked him, "what about this?" and held up three fingers. He looked at her fingers, then put his index finger to his cheek and said, "hmm... oh! a W!" Of course it was a W! He constantly amazes me by making these (profound) connections.

He can say just about anything (and some of his vocab! as he'd say, "it's ridiculous!" so many huge words). He picks up new worlds all the time. Like a few days ago, Seth was just mocking my "bizarre reaction" and of course, Ezra heard him say that and now what does Ezra say? "That a bizarre 'laction'!" And he uses it appropriately! Well, ok, he labels perfectly normal reactions "bizarre," but he uses the phrase to label reactions as if he truly knows what a reaction is. And I guess he does now.

Ezra tells stories and sings songs constantly. He's been narrating his (and our) actions for a few months now, but lately he's making up stories or retelling Curious George episodes and his activities at "Grandpa's house" (never Grandma's house"). (The constant narration hasn't stopped either, in case you were worried about that.) And his songs! He knows so many songs! I think his current song list includes most of the lyrics for the following list: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star," "The Alphabet Song" (he does know all his letters but doesn't usually sing them all... and he knows the tunes of these two songs are the same! he has such an ear for music already!), "London Bridge is Falling Down" (he likes making up his own verses, like "build it up with purple bricks"), "The Ants Go Marching," "I've Been Working on the Railroad," "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain," "Holy, Holy, Holy" and probably another 3-5 that I'm forgetting. Oh, like "I Love You" (the Barney theme song).
Ezra picks out and can put on and take off his own clothes for the most part. Now and then he can't take off his shirts... Of course, he definitely likes being naked the most. Since we're (kind of) potty training and it's warm out, he spends most of his days (and most days, since we're not going many places) naked, running around outside.

He thinks he's so independent and capable. He often gets his own food or helps make it. For example, he loves peanut butter and jam on tortillas. He calls them "jam butter tias". So, to make one, he runs to the fridge and gets the "red (strawberry) jam" and brings it to me while I get the peanut butter and tortilla. I hand him a butter knife and open the jars for him and he does a pretty good job of spreading. I wrap it up and he runs out to his table on the porch to eat.

I let Ezra help me with most things. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't be able to do whatever it was I needed to do because I'd then be supervising Ezra outside, etc. So to make him do laundry with me assures that I know where he is and what he's doing. He's so fast and so curious that, in the time it takes to do a load in the washer, he could easily have decided to scale some new height, etc. I don't feel comfortable leaving him to his own devices out of my sight. Ever.

Thankfully, Ezra loves to help me and does a good job of helping me. Yes, everything takes twice as long to do, but at least it usually gets done. To use doing laundry as an example, he picks up the dirty clothes and drops them into the washer (once I lift him up to do so) until it's full. Then he stands on the washer and holds down the button to release the detergent ("blue soap") and we count to five and then stop. Then I twist the knob to the appropriate cycle and Ezra pulls it out to start the cycle. We watch the water rush in and then he closes the lid for me and I lift him down again. It's apparently very exciting.

He also loves to help me in the kitchen. One of his favorite things to do is "mixing". Sometimes I just put water in a bowl and give him a spoon to "mix it". But he really does help mix batters, etc. He's much better about mixing gently enough that he doesn't spill much anymore. And he loves to crack eggs and use measuring cups. We often use a smaller cup size (like 1/4 cup instead of 1 cup) so that we can measure "more" and he can dump "more" (four times instead of just once). It keeps me on my mathematical toes. (Is that such a thing?)

One of the other ways "Ezra helping" (he still speaks in third person most of the time) is that he fetches things I ask for all the time. Like Isaac's diapers.

Ezra's pretty good at counting 1-5. He often forgets 6 though, and goes right on to 7-8-9. He certainly knows all his numbers and can easily point them out (like every time we drive past a speed limit sign, for example). But we haven't worked on counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 for a month or two and he's obviously forgotten.

As much as demands attention ("look at me!" "watch this!" "play with me!" 'let's ____!") he is learning to play independently for increasing amounts of time. He especially likes playing with his cars. He cutely lines them all up in a caravan and then pushes the last car in the line to make them all go, etc. He'll also just sing to himself ot tell himself stories. He never stops talking. Everything is narrated.

Ezra also tells "jokes" often. He thinks it's hilarious to call a girl a boy and a boy a girl... he full well knows the difference. He gets this funny expression on his face - a smirk with his nose scrunched up - and says, "Mommy a boy!" and then giggles. Then if someone else doesn't say "no, that's silly - Mommy's a girl" he will. His other favorite joke is to mix up red vs green vs yellow lights. He'll say "green light mean stop!" and giggle. And then, again, if someone doesn't correct him, he'll correct himself. And it doesn't work to ignore him - he'll keep repeating himself (and get louder) until someone acknowledges what he's saying.

He loves Isaac very much, and often says so. He also calls him "little buddy" and "baby brother" and once or twice has even called him "best friend". He kisses Isaac constantly and is always showing and telling Isaac something. "Isaac, look at me! I wearing a dress!" "Isaac, this a square." "Isaac, wolf huff puff BLOW house down!" "Isaac, know what? I love you." In fact, he's a little too interested in Isaac and has a hard time giving Isaac space.

He's a little goofball. Sweet as can be, most of the time, but always a bundle of energy.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Friday Update #23 (6/7/13)

Seth comes home tomorrow. A week without him went really quick. And it was a good week. The hardest part about it was Ezra's refusal to sleep, but that's ALWAYS the problem. This week has just been especially bad. Four days in a row he's been up before 6am, two of those early mornings starting at 4:30am. Oh, and no naps. Well, surely he's falling asleep by 7 or 8pm, you say? No. Try 10pm, at the earliest.

Thankfully he's not showing adverse signs of this sleep deprivation... but I am...

We did have a lot of fun this week.

On Saturday we saw Seth off to Sacred Road.

On Sunday we drove up to see Grandpa in the hospital.

Allison and Sarah spent the night Monday night and we walked down to the park at the end of Veterans' Drive, we did some sewing, we did some baking, and we did a lot of cuddling Isaac and playing with Ezra.

On Wednesday, the boys and Mom and I went on a history walk with Downtown on the Go. It wasn't well done, sadly. I felt like I could have done a better job, despite it being three years since I've done any studying,,, it just depends who leads the walk - sometimes they're amazing! But it was good exercise.

Then we went to the splash park. It was 80!

Hannah came over on Thursday and painted with Ezra.

And on Friday, my sleep deprivation headache drove us to my parents' house to spend the night. Ezra did a good deal of gardening with Grandma while I napped.