Friday, June 14, 2013

"Superwhy" and Phonics

On PBS at 8am they play a 30 minute episode of "Curious George". Then a show called "Superwhy," which is all about books, reading, stories, letters and phonics. A few weeks ago Ezra watched an episode and started singing the theme song later that day... but I forgot about it. After all, we just watched 10 minutes of what was a random show. He did sing the song a bit, but he has so many other songs in his repertoire that it was quickly forgotten (I thought).

Except... Last night, after watching an episode of George, YouTube suggested we watch an episode of "Superwhy" which Ezra immediately recognized and wanted to watch.

Just now I needed to nurse Isaac, and Ezra (who today has been doing crazy acrobatics all day, especially around Isaac, thus waking him up every time Isaac falls asleep... suggested "watch Superwhy?" I thought that sounded like a great idea and turned it on.

We're sitting here, watching it, and the characters were sounding out the word "spring". I was zoning out until I heard Ezra say "ssss, "s" says ssss". I snapped to attention as he says "p! that's a p!" and tried to sound it out too.

But then they highlight the "r". But they were using lowercase letters (which I've rather deliberately ignored with Ezra) and when they said "r!" he said, "what? that not a "r:! that a "j"! what? that 'diculous! not "r," it "j"!

Agh!!!?!?! My baby isn't a baby anymore!

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