Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday Update #27 (7/5/13)

Seth took yesterday off for the holiday and we spent the whole day together, just the four of us. I can't remember the last time that happened!

We didn't go up to the cabin on Lake Bosworth (near Everett). This will be the first time in 50+ (I think they bought it in '52?) years the Anderson family has not had a 4th of July picnic at the cabin... but the cabin is sliding off its foundation. And my grandpa (Mom's dad) just got home after two months in the hospital (pneumonia, primarily), so he of course wouldn't be able to go. It's just so different without them (and Grandpa's parents and sister and husband who have all been dead for several years but who started the tradition...)

Seth doesn't care about the holiday, and really neither do I - at least in terms of the current American celebration, so it was hard to decide what (if anything) to do. My whole life it's never been an option: we go to Lake Bosworth. Always. So suddenly we have options?!? Well, not exactly: we also don't have friends or plans or friends with plans. And everywhere is going to be crowded! But we want to do something together. After the week we've just had we needed some time with Seth.

We took the boys to the park at Fort Steilacoom, which we've never been to before, then came home and watched the Mariner's game and ate. Ezra and I made a cake. Then we (tried to) decorate it. Two year olds are quite um, talented.

It's wonderful that Seth has been working so much, but we miss him. Even Ezra has noticed. This morning he said "Daddy don't go work!" and usually he's slamming the door behind Seth to get him to leave sooner.

Earlier this week, we went to the library and checked out a bunch of my holds and signed Ezra and Isaac up for the summer reading program.

What else did we do this week?

Isaac's totally legitimately rolling over. From back to front mostly, but from front to back sometimes too. I still haven't been able to get a video of it yet.

It's been so hot! It's finally cooling down. I'm so thankful. I didn't realize how awful it was for Isaac and how concerned I was until now that it's not so hot.

We went to the Topolski's house (and to the park behind their house). It even sprinkled rain, glorious rain!

Ezra has ramped up his "dress" wearing drastically. It's hilarious. He thinks he's so "beautiful like Mommy". And it is really cute. He'll get over it one of these days, so we let him dress up however while we're home. But yesterday and now today he hasn't taken one of my old headbands off, so it looks even more ridiculous.

Both boys have actually been really good lately and fun to be with. Isaac is so sweet and cuddly. He's put himself on a relatively regular schedule, actually. We haven't found rigid schedules helpful for our family, sine our work is so flexible and because Ezra wasn't an easy baby to schedule, but we're finding a rhythm.

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