It's finally fall! A very wet fall, that is. It's been very rainy since the end of August. Unusually, we've had day after day of pouring rain. Yes, it often rains here, but not very hard or for very long. So we've been playing indoors a lot this month.
The month started off with "everyone" in a back to school flurry. And though we four aren't in school, it did signal a change in routine (and weather). It feels good to start to get in the swing of our new "schedule".
The death of someone we hardly really knew prompted a lot of conversation and reflection amongst our church family and Seth and I weren't an exception to that.
Ezra has really been struggling to obey this month, so we've stayed home for that reason as well. His willingness to obey often comes and goes in spurts, but this has been the longest period of time (so far!) that he has been so defiant and disobedient. And it's been demoralizing.
I think we've done a pretty good job of being consistent and firm. It's been oh so difficult though. I hate seeing and hearing his hard little heart. How could my beautiful little boy be so mean? so defiant - just for the sake of being defiant? I'm actually surprised that, when he told me "I hate you" for the first time, I didn't just burst into tears. But I did realize, in the moment, that he didn't actually mean that. He doesn't even know what that means! (And where did he hear that!?!!) He's testing our boundaries, though, and struggling against authority. A month later, and what feels like one hundred time outs later, he isn't being so verbally defiant and cruel, so I can see the fruit of our labor. I think.
He is so smart and so persistent that he presents us with a very strong willed (and ingeniously devious) set of obedience challenges. And he knows exactly what he's doing, because he'll tell us "I don't want to obey you!" (but isn't that how I act too sometimes? parenting is very convicting.) So pray for us to be wise and patient and consistent as we love him by disciplining him.
Ezra is very enjoyable company a great deal of the time. I love watching him experience the world and make connections about what he's seeing and hearing. I know every mother thinks her child to be brilliant, and I'm no exception. Ezra astounds me with his intelligence and memory and logic every day.
He also loves Isaac very well. It is so sweet to watch them interact. Isaac watches everything Ezra does and gets so excited when Ezra even comes into the room. Ezra likes to bring Isaac toys (and surprisingly, rarely takes them away) and most of all, loves to tell Isaac stories and explain/describe whatever in in Isaac's line of sight. I was entirely unprepared for them to have such a sweet and loving relationship so early. My heart melts every time I hear Ezra call Isaac "my little pal" or "my little buddy" or see Ezra kiss his brother.
This month, Isaac started and then mastered sitting up and crawling, just like I anticipated. He also started eating solid foods, which he's very excited about. He's also beginning to pull himself up on us and furniture too! I went and looked up when Ezra started pulling himself up and, surprisingly, Isaac is about a week ahead of Ezra in his physical development. Agh! I'm convinced that my boys are so ridiculously mobile at an early age because they're a lot smaller than their peers so it's easier for them to move their little bodies around.
Because of Ezra's disciplinary issues, the fact that our summer was so taxing and we're still trying to recover from it, the nearly constant rain and our general lack of sleep, we really didn't do anything "exciting" this month. Except for a trip to the Washington State Fair!
It was so much fun to go on a "family date". We are really enjoying the boys, despite our general lack of sleep or adult company or time together. They're so much fun and so smart and capable. We're completely infatuated by them, actually, and pretty excited that we get to be their parents for a long while yet. And that's all true "even" when we're "just" at home. But sometimes getting out of the house and doing something together makes us forget everything else and just enjoy the boys.
I've done BSF for several years now, but always the night class (without childcare). After hearing so many people praise the children's program, though, I finally decided to switch to the day class this year so that Ezra (and Isaac) could also participate. After four classes, Ezra's doing a bit better. He just does not like to be separated from me! But he does come home telling me about the things they did in class with excitement.
Seth started teaching the book of John for the high school Sunday School class at our church. It good to be back in these weekly studies.
Work for Seth is back to normal. They've been getting great reviews lately. It will start to slow down here soon, but we're in the middle of getting our new website up and running, as well as more advertising, so maybe work won't slow down too much.
I had my birthday too! It was pretty low key, but very sweet.
And that just about sums up our month. Joy, sorrow, growing, learning, exhaustion.
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, September 28, 2013
Friday, September 27, 2013
Friday Update #39 (9/27/13)
Saturday: a nice day cuddled up at home. Mom stopped by for an hour on her way home from a wedding. Seth got home really late.
Sunday: Sunday School. Ezra didn't go to his class, but fell asleep during the service?!?, as did Isaac, so Seth and I both sat through the service. We went to Mom and Dad's for the Seahawk game, then Hannah and Ruth came over.
Monday: Happy birthday to me!
Tuesday: Seth had another super early job and was therefore home early. He made calls and I played with the boys and then we all went to Winco together. Ezra had a rough time getting in the car and shopping, but I guess he went to bed easily, so maybe it was worth it? Then we watched The Departed. I tried to iron and fold clothes, but Isaac kept waking up and Seth fell asleep.
The summer after we graduated from college, Seth suggested we work our way through a list of his 50 favorite movies that he had made his last semester. The Departed was actually on that list, though we never got to it then. I definitely would give some credit to that list of movies for "making" us spend time together that summer and eventually start dating. But I couldn't help notice the vast difference in how we watched movies then versus now. Like, then we actually tried to watch movies? I can't remember the last time we've tried to watch a movie together recently. It's probably been a few months. And then we finally try to? And I do chores and Seth sleeps. Ah, well.
Wednesday: We did a much better job of getting Ezra to BSF this week! I can't exactly celebrate, because mostly I feel like we just tricked him. We didn't tell him where we were going until we got out of the car at the church. And of course, he started screaming and had to be plucked off of my neck. But he said he had fun. (After he said "I cried a lot, Mommy".) Once again, a highlight was "standing in line"?
Wednesday afternoon he started to get a runny nose, so we were going to stay home from BEN, but he fell asleep at 5:30, so I thought he could just sleep through BEN so I could go to class still... but I didn't want to put Isaac in nursery either, since he would have been exposed to Ezra's germs. So Seth got to hold Isaac and I held Ezra for a while - until he woke up screaming that his "neck" (throat) hurt... and so we spent most of BEN sitting in the hallway trying to get Ezra to drink juice.
That night was pretty rough. Isaac woke up congested at midnight and cried and sniffled his way through the night, and Ezra woke up a few times.
Thursday: Of course I woke up congested and with a pounding headache. So the three of us laid on the couch all day. We were supposed to go to Arsenic and Old Lace, but tickets sold out. And it was nice to just stay home and try to recover. The boys fell asleep early! (but half woke up every few hours all night long), and Seth had a friend of ours over to watch the '49s vs. Rams while I bundled up on the couch and listened to them talk.
Friday: Dad came over and took Ezra away for the day. They went to Hannah's apartment and to Ruston Way (and saw seals and "big giant huge ships!") and then Dad determined Ezra should even spend the night with him! I wish I could say I was especially productive, but even though I did get some stuff done, I also laid in bed and held Isaac and read for a long time. Thankfully, "just resting" seems to be working and I do feel better finally. Better as in recovered/ing from this cold and as in just refreshed. Ezra is a lot of work and I spend most of my time with him and/or Isaac. I love my boys, but these days time apart from them is very rare.
Sunday: Sunday School. Ezra didn't go to his class, but fell asleep during the service?!?, as did Isaac, so Seth and I both sat through the service. We went to Mom and Dad's for the Seahawk game, then Hannah and Ruth came over.
Monday: Happy birthday to me!
Tuesday: Seth had another super early job and was therefore home early. He made calls and I played with the boys and then we all went to Winco together. Ezra had a rough time getting in the car and shopping, but I guess he went to bed easily, so maybe it was worth it? Then we watched The Departed. I tried to iron and fold clothes, but Isaac kept waking up and Seth fell asleep.
The summer after we graduated from college, Seth suggested we work our way through a list of his 50 favorite movies that he had made his last semester. The Departed was actually on that list, though we never got to it then. I definitely would give some credit to that list of movies for "making" us spend time together that summer and eventually start dating. But I couldn't help notice the vast difference in how we watched movies then versus now. Like, then we actually tried to watch movies? I can't remember the last time we've tried to watch a movie together recently. It's probably been a few months. And then we finally try to? And I do chores and Seth sleeps. Ah, well.
Wednesday: We did a much better job of getting Ezra to BSF this week! I can't exactly celebrate, because mostly I feel like we just tricked him. We didn't tell him where we were going until we got out of the car at the church. And of course, he started screaming and had to be plucked off of my neck. But he said he had fun. (After he said "I cried a lot, Mommy".) Once again, a highlight was "standing in line"?
Wednesday afternoon he started to get a runny nose, so we were going to stay home from BEN, but he fell asleep at 5:30, so I thought he could just sleep through BEN so I could go to class still... but I didn't want to put Isaac in nursery either, since he would have been exposed to Ezra's germs. So Seth got to hold Isaac and I held Ezra for a while - until he woke up screaming that his "neck" (throat) hurt... and so we spent most of BEN sitting in the hallway trying to get Ezra to drink juice.
That night was pretty rough. Isaac woke up congested at midnight and cried and sniffled his way through the night, and Ezra woke up a few times.
Thursday: Of course I woke up congested and with a pounding headache. So the three of us laid on the couch all day. We were supposed to go to Arsenic and Old Lace, but tickets sold out. And it was nice to just stay home and try to recover. The boys fell asleep early! (but half woke up every few hours all night long), and Seth had a friend of ours over to watch the '49s vs. Rams while I bundled up on the couch and listened to them talk.
Friday: Dad came over and took Ezra away for the day. They went to Hannah's apartment and to Ruston Way (and saw seals and "big giant huge ships!") and then Dad determined Ezra should even spend the night with him! I wish I could say I was especially productive, but even though I did get some stuff done, I also laid in bed and held Isaac and read for a long time. Thankfully, "just resting" seems to be working and I do feel better finally. Better as in recovered/ing from this cold and as in just refreshed. Ezra is a lot of work and I spend most of my time with him and/or Isaac. I love my boys, but these days time apart from them is very rare.
Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Happy Birthday to Me!
The boys let me SLEEP IN until 8:15! What? When was the last time that ever happened? (Not since early bird Isaac was born!)
I had lots of "happy birthday" texts and emails and Facebook messages and cards already waiting for me when I woke up and they kept arriving throughout the day. I guess people have figured out by now not to call me, because no one did.
While the boys ate breakfast, I Magic Erasered my kitchen walls and ceiling! So sparkly brand new! And then they played while the rest of the house got cleaned!
Isaac went down for his morning nap and I read to Ezra for 45 minutes! He's sitting "still" longer and is getting really into reading books. I mean, we read every day, but I think he's getting into it more. Perhaps because we discovered Dr. Suess? My mom has read them to him before (or parts of them) but I've only looked at the pictures with him. This time, however, I read every sing songy word in three or four books. By the time we were done reading and cuddling and talking about the books we'd read, Isaac woke up, smiling and cooing.
Shortly thereafter, Seth came home with paninis and soup and cookies and grapes for a picnic! Sadly, it was pouring really hard, so we didn't go out to a park like he originally planned but had a picnic in our living room. It was so sweet and thoughtful of Seth to plan ahead and try to make one of my favorite things happen (especially because he's not the biggest fan of picnics).
Then we spent the rest of the day hanging out at the house together.
So basically all of my favorite things. Seth remembered my birthday + sleeping in + cleaning/cleaned house + reading + picnic.
Ezra helped make a birthday cake, but we actually didn't do candles or sing happy birthday until the next day. So two days of celebration! And we still haven't even celebrated our month of birthdays with my family yet. It feels so odd to group all of our birthdays together in one big celebration, because we've never done that before (in 27 years!) but it's getting harder and harder to get two or three of us together, let alone get everyone together. So that will come next week, with a big party up at Jack's house.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Friday Update #38 (9/20/13)
I did a bit more blogging this week, so I can link to more of our "adventures" this week instead of solely recapping here.
Last week and weekend were full of lots of small talk for me (BSF, BEN, two! baby showers!, church, etc.) and by Sunday morning's nursery fiasco I just broke down in tears. I don't really think of myself as an introvert except for when I get so depleted by the accumulation of these (already a bit daunting for me) social interactions.
I have been lonely for friendship and fellowship, so I did appreciate that we were spending more time with people... it was just too much, too close together. I think my introversion is exacerbated by the fact that I have no time alone to "recharge". Ever. In my previous life I thought of myself as more introverted than I do now, but I had more time alone. (As much as I wanted!) Now I'm a weepy, dependent mess, craving social interaction and then shriveling up when I get it.
Ezra's aversion to the church nursery and I suppose general disobedience have been particularly difficult for me to deal with this week too. Ezra has been endearingly cute, though. Despite himself. And I certainly can't fault him for how he loves his brother.
Thankfully Seth has been making a concerted effort to be especially helpful this week. I even got a nap on Sunday (albeit with Isaac)! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
I've been so grateful for that little nap all week long.
We had some friends over Monday to play and sew. Monday night Ezra woke up screaming! He's been having nightmares for the last few weeks, but this was a particularly distressed cry. Of course, about two minutes after Seth brought him to bed so I could comfort him, Ezra threw up. On my face and neck and hair.
I also had the lovely experience of being confined to the couch with just about the most severe cramping I've ever had on Tuesday.
By Wednesday, we had just about the biggest pile of dirty laundry and dirty dishes were piling up (because of course no one could just drink out of one glass!?) But we were gone all day Wednesday! attempting to go to BSF and then spending some time at my parents' house and then going to dinner for my dad's 56th birthday.
It's been very strange to not celebrate anyone's birthday yet. I mean, we went to dinner for Dad's, but we didn't even do cake and ice cream! Hannah spent her birthday working and then at dinner with Andrew and David had his first apprenticeship class on his birthday... I was really sad about it last year: we no longer celebrate everyone's birthday on their birthday, all together. This year I guess I'm just resigned. We are going to do a lump-everyone-together celebration at Jack's next week though.
Today we finally made it to the fair! I really needed a family date; it was lovely.
I did a bit more blogging this week, so I can link to more of our "adventures" this week instead of solely recapping here.
Last week and weekend were full of lots of small talk for me (BSF, BEN, two! baby showers!, church, etc.) and by Sunday morning's nursery fiasco I just broke down in tears. I don't really think of myself as an introvert except for when I get so depleted by the accumulation of these (already a bit daunting for me) social interactions.
I have been lonely for friendship and fellowship, so I did appreciate that we were spending more time with people... it was just too much, too close together. I think my introversion is exacerbated by the fact that I have no time alone to "recharge". Ever. In my previous life I thought of myself as more introverted than I do now, but I had more time alone. (As much as I wanted!) Now I'm a weepy, dependent mess, craving social interaction and then shriveling up when I get it.
Ezra's aversion to the church nursery and I suppose general disobedience have been particularly difficult for me to deal with this week too. Ezra has been endearingly cute, though. Despite himself. And I certainly can't fault him for how he loves his brother.
Thankfully Seth has been making a concerted effort to be especially helpful this week. I even got a nap on Sunday (albeit with Isaac)! Have you ever heard of such a thing?
I've been so grateful for that little nap all week long.
We had some friends over Monday to play and sew. Monday night Ezra woke up screaming! He's been having nightmares for the last few weeks, but this was a particularly distressed cry. Of course, about two minutes after Seth brought him to bed so I could comfort him, Ezra threw up. On my face and neck and hair.
I also had the lovely experience of being confined to the couch with just about the most severe cramping I've ever had on Tuesday.
By Wednesday, we had just about the biggest pile of dirty laundry and dirty dishes were piling up (because of course no one could just drink out of one glass!?) But we were gone all day Wednesday! attempting to go to BSF and then spending some time at my parents' house and then going to dinner for my dad's 56th birthday.
It's been very strange to not celebrate anyone's birthday yet. I mean, we went to dinner for Dad's, but we didn't even do cake and ice cream! Hannah spent her birthday working and then at dinner with Andrew and David had his first apprenticeship class on his birthday... I was really sad about it last year: we no longer celebrate everyone's birthday on their birthday, all together. This year I guess I'm just resigned. We are going to do a lump-everyone-together celebration at Jack's next week though.
Today we finally made it to the fair! I really needed a family date; it was lovely.
God is Still Sovereign
This week Ezra had two HUGE tantrums when he realized he had to obey us and put on real clothes and sit in his carseat and go where we wanted to go (BSF, which he loved last week, and to the fair, which we know he will love - terrible destinations, right?).
As it turned out, we didn't go to either. And as difficult as it was to parent Ezra in the moment, it's been harder to deal with our feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty in the aftermath.
I felt discouraged that my little two year old "won" both battles (by screaming just long enough on Wednesday that we were too late to get to BSF on time and by screaming himself to sleep on the way to the fair today).
Of course, because Ezra took a nap today he's still awake now, past midnight. We're laying in bed together watching Curious George in one open browser window and in another I'm reading various articles from my Feedly. Seth left for work this morning at 4:30 and leaves tomorrow morning at 6, so it's important that I contain Ezra and keep him quiet so Seth can sleep. But even laying here, cuddling, I'm frustrated that two whole years later we still don't have a handle on Ezra's sleeping habits and that this! TV! is our coping mechanism for nights like this, because nothing else works.
All of that background information wasn't supposed to fill up so much space, oops. But! I guess it sets the tone?
Our church recently experienced great tragedy and perhaps because of that I clicked on this article, about shepherding a congregation through tragedy. And I'm glad I did, because I was very encouraged by this short "truth hammered home":
I, of course, hadn't even finished copying and pasting that quotation before I had to remind myself of its truth: God is still sovereign, even over bossy two year olds!
Ezra flipped out because an episode of George started that he didn't like. Then, when I chastised him, he told me to stop talking. That of course was unacceptable and I disciplined him, but then he took off his diaper and started kicking off the blanket. My attempts to put a new diaper on him and tell him to speak kindly only antagonized him and ever so quickly he woke up Seth and Isaac!
Isaac just needed a reassuring pat on the back, but Seth wanted to step in to discipline Ezra. However, their relationship is so fraught, I really try to use Seth as little as possible to be the "heavy hand" to back me up. Of course, Seth stayed awake throughout the following 15 minutes of the discipline process (Ezra can be very stubborn!).
Thankfully, however, once he'd apologized and "allowed" me to put a new diaper on him, he also "allowed" me to put him to bed and he fell asleep shortly thereafter. Now I just can't sleep.
But I know that these trials are molding and shaping Ezra's little heart and mine too. It's just really painful at times. In part because it often means sleep deprivation and in part (of course! most of all!) because I hate to see such defiance in my sweet little boy.
As it turned out, we didn't go to either. And as difficult as it was to parent Ezra in the moment, it's been harder to deal with our feelings of inadequacy and uncertainty in the aftermath.
I felt discouraged that my little two year old "won" both battles (by screaming just long enough on Wednesday that we were too late to get to BSF on time and by screaming himself to sleep on the way to the fair today).
Of course, because Ezra took a nap today he's still awake now, past midnight. We're laying in bed together watching Curious George in one open browser window and in another I'm reading various articles from my Feedly. Seth left for work this morning at 4:30 and leaves tomorrow morning at 6, so it's important that I contain Ezra and keep him quiet so Seth can sleep. But even laying here, cuddling, I'm frustrated that two whole years later we still don't have a handle on Ezra's sleeping habits and that this! TV! is our coping mechanism for nights like this, because nothing else works.
All of that background information wasn't supposed to fill up so much space, oops. But! I guess it sets the tone?
Our church recently experienced great tragedy and perhaps because of that I clicked on this article, about shepherding a congregation through tragedy. And I'm glad I did, because I was very encouraged by this short "truth hammered home":
As inadequate as I may feel, still, God is using my gifts, strengths, and even weaknesses to accomplish His plan.
* * * * *
I, of course, hadn't even finished copying and pasting that quotation before I had to remind myself of its truth: God is still sovereign, even over bossy two year olds!
Ezra flipped out because an episode of George started that he didn't like. Then, when I chastised him, he told me to stop talking. That of course was unacceptable and I disciplined him, but then he took off his diaper and started kicking off the blanket. My attempts to put a new diaper on him and tell him to speak kindly only antagonized him and ever so quickly he woke up Seth and Isaac!
Isaac just needed a reassuring pat on the back, but Seth wanted to step in to discipline Ezra. However, their relationship is so fraught, I really try to use Seth as little as possible to be the "heavy hand" to back me up. Of course, Seth stayed awake throughout the following 15 minutes of the discipline process (Ezra can be very stubborn!).
Thankfully, however, once he'd apologized and "allowed" me to put a new diaper on him, he also "allowed" me to put him to bed and he fell asleep shortly thereafter. Now I just can't sleep.
But I know that these trials are molding and shaping Ezra's little heart and mine too. It's just really painful at times. In part because it often means sleep deprivation and in part (of course! most of all!) because I hate to see such defiance in my sweet little boy.
Thursday, September 19, 2013
Brotherly Love
The thing I was most worried about regarding kid #2 was how Ezra would think of him/treat him/feel about him. I think it's been the easiest/best transition!
With about two two minute exceptions, Ezra has been so loving to Isaac. (Well, besides that first week when he didn't know what was going on.)
It has been so sweet, this last month in particular, to watch the two of them interact. Now that Isaac crawls and sits up, he is always crawling over to see what Ezra is doing has been just sitting and watching Ezra for such long periods of time! (That is, until Ezra moves so much that Isaac has to crane his neck so much that he eventually topples over...)
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This blurry camera phone photo showcases all too much about life right now. |
Lately he's been explaining everything to Isaac. "Look, baby Isaac, this is my puzzle. This one is a pig. This one is a chicken..." and "Baby Isaac, it going be fall soon. The leaves will be orange and 'lellow and red and they fall down. Then we going to rake them and then jump in them!" and ad nauseum.
Ezra is also very quick to get a toy for Isaac or to get a wipe for me when Isaac spits up. He's really pretty helpful, especially whenever I ask him to do is for Isaac.
Lately we've been reminding Ezra that Isaac watches whatever he does, so he needs to be a good example for his little brother. It's been working really well to make Ezra think twice about his behavior and to feel more responsibility about his actions, but I also don't want to overuse the phrase/concept. I don't want Ezra to feel overly burdened for his brother's behavior and I don't want his primary reason for obeying to be to show Isaac how to obey.
Cute vs. Beautiful
"He's a cutie!"
"You're a cutie!"
"NO! Baby Isaac is a cutie! I am BEAUTIFUL!"
"You're a cutie!"
"NO! Baby Isaac is a cutie! I am BEAUTIFUL!"
Friday, September 13, 2013
Friday Update #37 (9/13/13)
We went to a funeral on Saturday. Afterward, during the fellowship meal, Ezra and two of his friends made a lot of people smile by walking throughout the throngs of people with Ezra on a "leash," panting and barking.
Sunday we went on a girls-only date to Shipwreck Beads in Olympia. I haven't beaded in ages, so even though I vaguely knew how to do some of the techniques they showed us, it was a good refresher course.
And I picked up a few supplies I needed to fix some of my old earrings. In addition to making a bracelet and earrings, I forced my new earrings through my poor neglected ears. I took my earrings off for my ultrasound with Ezra in December 2010 and haven't worn any since. Oops.
We capped off our "date" with a stop at a delicious Mexican restaurant. Yum!
Andrew came over afterwards for one last visit with us before flying off to England again.
Isaac can now officially sit up and (army) crawl. Of course he'll continue to work on and then improve each "skill" but I say "officially" because there's no denying that he can actually do both things.
We went out to eat lunch on Tuesday at an Asian food buffet (yes, in two weeks we went out to eat twice!?!) Even Isaac got in on the all-you-can-eat action.
He's obsessed with food! Perhaps even more so now that he's actually tasted it? He grabs everything he sees. And if he has to crawl for it? No problem.
Ezra learned the phrases "right now!" and "I said, ____" (both in very demanding, as well as condescending tones) and has been trying to use them all week.
He also attended his very first Bible Study Fellowship class. Essentially it's a pre-school class, I suppose. It went so much better than expected.
Sunday we went on a girls-only date to Shipwreck Beads in Olympia. I haven't beaded in ages, so even though I vaguely knew how to do some of the techniques they showed us, it was a good refresher course.
And I picked up a few supplies I needed to fix some of my old earrings. In addition to making a bracelet and earrings, I forced my new earrings through my poor neglected ears. I took my earrings off for my ultrasound with Ezra in December 2010 and haven't worn any since. Oops.
We capped off our "date" with a stop at a delicious Mexican restaurant. Yum!
Andrew came over afterwards for one last visit with us before flying off to England again.
Isaac can now officially sit up and (army) crawl. Of course he'll continue to work on and then improve each "skill" but I say "officially" because there's no denying that he can actually do both things.
We went out to eat lunch on Tuesday at an Asian food buffet (yes, in two weeks we went out to eat twice!?!) Even Isaac got in on the all-you-can-eat action.
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Yes, I know it's a citrus-y fruit... |
Ezra learned the phrases "right now!" and "I said, ____" (both in very demanding, as well as condescending tones) and has been trying to use them all week.
He also attended his very first Bible Study Fellowship class. Essentially it's a pre-school class, I suppose. It went so much better than expected.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
When I turned fourteen I finally talked my mom into letting me pierce my ears. Hannah came along "to watch"and then actually got her ears pierced too (which was, I think, Mom's intention all along? at a mere twelve!)
Then, when Hannah and I turned fourteen and sixteen we convinced Mom to let us pierce our ears a second time.
And then, when I turned eighteen, I went and pierced my ears a third time.
For years earrings were the only jewelry I wore. I thought of long dangly earrings (followed by two hoops or a hoop and a stud) were my fashion statement/concession to dressing up.
But... the day I went in to have my 20 week ultrasound with Ezra, I took all of my earrings out. And never put them back in. Until yesterday. Um, yes, from December 2010 to September 2013.
My mom bought all of us girls tickets to a Beading 101 class down at Shipwreck Beads and we planned a girls date for September 8th. So in the week leading up to the class, I pulled out all of my old earrings and cleaned them and sorted them.
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Soaking earrings in vinegar works fabulously! (Unless you forget about them for a week...) |
I sorted out all of my broken earrings (and took them to Shipwreck Beads and bought the appropriate hardwear, etc, needed to fix them).
I've also meant to make some sort of earring holder for years now. I had several ideas, but not all of the supplies (or the willingness to get the supplies?) to execute said ideas, so with all of my earrings laying on various shelves in the bathroom, I decided to just make something up. I stuck Ezra in front of the TV and while Isaac napped I snuck outside to spray paint a picture frame. (I've been working on spray painting my dining room chairs, but my goodness, the weather will not cooperate. And of course, the few times it has, Seth hasn't been home to watch Ezra... Poor chairs.)
I then hung the frame up and curled a piece of green Christmas wreath wire around a Sharpie and hung it on the back of the frame (utilizing the hooks on the back usually used to hold in the glass and matting).
The large "loops" didn't work very well, but of course I didn't figure that out until I loaded all of my earrings on. Because I have so many earrings and because some of them are so heavy, I realized I needed to make smaller "loops". The second time around I used a regular ball point pen, so two or three earrings can hang from each "loop" (instead of six or seven, like I did with the big Sharpie shaped "loops").
Until I buy hooks to screw into the bottom of the frame to hold necklaces, I'm using push pins. And I think twisting the wire around something smaller and/or hanging a two rows of wires would actually work even better. But this works for now, so I'm content enough to leave it as is. (It's also really hard to finish these projects with two kids underfoot and I have so many more projects to accomplish first! Being a pregnant zombie for three years has put me quite behind.)
Monday, September 9, 2013
BSF, Preschool, Etc
A blogger I read linked to Susan Wise Bauer's short article "What is Classical Education?" today and I clicked through for some reason. I don't know why, exactly. I wasn't searching for more information on the classical trivium, I wasn't really even in the mood to read anything of substance. But reading through the article just reminded me of the fact that I do think the classical education model to be superior to other models. Actually, I forget there are other models.
This summer, I didn't plan much for this "school" year for Ezra. I had intended to make a list of projects for us, etc... but you know. This summer was pretty rough.
I do want to use my/our time wisely and I want our activities to be constructive. But I also don't feel a pressing need to actively teach Ezra anything yet, besides obedience. We took a break from memorizing Bible verses this month, and I do want us to rectify that.
I feel like I have a lot I want to accomplish in the next two weeks as far as figuring out what I want our scheduled priorities to be for Ezra. In terms of outside-the-home activities, what is important? He'll be 2 1/2 in November. I forget that sometimes, thinking he's so much older.
I've realized this summer that getting practice interacting with others might be helpful for him. I know that our seclusion this summer didn't help, but he doesn't share particularly well and most of all, he doesn't interact well with anyone outside of us or my family. At least not without us there too.
Now, I don't necessarily think that these skills are of utmost importance at this age, or that joining this class is the only/best way he can learn them. But I've heard about BSF's children's class in such glowing terms for so long that I wanted to give it a try (even though that meant giving up my Monday night BSF class and its wonderful teaching leader to switch to Wednesday mornings).
A friend of mine has suggested a number of activities they do around town, but I don't know if I want lots of activities. It's harder with two kids, for one. But I don't know if it's necessary either.
This summer, I didn't plan much for this "school" year for Ezra. I had intended to make a list of projects for us, etc... but you know. This summer was pretty rough.
I do want to use my/our time wisely and I want our activities to be constructive. But I also don't feel a pressing need to actively teach Ezra anything yet, besides obedience. We took a break from memorizing Bible verses this month, and I do want us to rectify that.
I feel like I have a lot I want to accomplish in the next two weeks as far as figuring out what I want our scheduled priorities to be for Ezra. In terms of outside-the-home activities, what is important? He'll be 2 1/2 in November. I forget that sometimes, thinking he's so much older.
I've realized this summer that getting practice interacting with others might be helpful for him. I know that our seclusion this summer didn't help, but he doesn't share particularly well and most of all, he doesn't interact well with anyone outside of us or my family. At least not without us there too.
Now, I don't necessarily think that these skills are of utmost importance at this age, or that joining this class is the only/best way he can learn them. But I've heard about BSF's children's class in such glowing terms for so long that I wanted to give it a try (even though that meant giving up my Monday night BSF class and its wonderful teaching leader to switch to Wednesday mornings).
A friend of mine has suggested a number of activities they do around town, but I don't know if I want lots of activities. It's harder with two kids, for one. But I don't know if it's necessary either.
Friday, September 6, 2013
Friday Update #36 (9/6/13)
Sunday was our kick off for Sunday School.
Then we had a big family dinner and played croquet, etc. It's so hard to get all of us kids together with such different schedules, so it's nice when it finally happens.
And my baby is no longer a baby!
And my baby is no longer a baby!
Monday Seth got off work rather early, so we got to spend most of the afternoon with him. We had a little picnic outside and then Ezra took us on a walk.
Tuesday Seth again got off work early and we got the new tabs/plates for the van and went to the Olive Garden for dinner and then Winco.
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Ezra is Adorable
I was nursing Isaac in the "pink chair" while Ezra played on the other side of the room. His diaper must have been full or put on incorrectly, because he peed all over me. So I was already wet from that when, as soon as he finished eating, he spit up all over me!
Ezra must have heard it or saw it happen because he immediately raced over to me. "Mommy! Isaac 'pit up! Oh no! I get you a wipe!" and seconds later he'd raced over to where the wipes were, grabbed one, and raced back. Such service!
Isaac was sleeping so we went on a little walk around the front yard, Ezra chattering the whole time. He observed "oh, the big puddle is back!" thanks to the rain. But we couldn't "'plash in it because we're not wearing boots". (Of course, though, he didn't want me to get his boots because he "like[s] his circle shoes instead".) And then he observed that there was a rope hanging from the branch on the tree with a swing. Yes, I agreed, it was a swing. But that wasn't specific enough for him. "Mommy, it's a tire swing." After I pushed him a few times we were ready to go explore more. We went to go look at some bushes.
We were looking at a tree and he noticed it had acorns! Green acorns! (The big tree in our driveway has brown acorns.) I picked one to show him, but it was actually two acorns fused together! He saw them and said "Oh, look! It's brother acorns!"
We went to the DOL to pick up our new license plates and tabs. I asked him, on the way there, if he knew what a license plate was (knowing that he didn't). He said, "hmmm. Those crazy green trees?" and pointed at the trees we were driving past. And then proceeded to guess a bunch of ridiculous things. "Pink yogurt on a stick?" Etc.
I was on the phone, speaking to my new BSF leader for this year. She asked whether I had children and I said "yes, my son Ezra is two years old and my son Isaac is six months old." Ezra was on the front porch with me, and immediately started correcting me. "Mom! Mom! Isaac is zero. Not six. Mom! Isaac zero."
Ezra must have heard it or saw it happen because he immediately raced over to me. "Mommy! Isaac 'pit up! Oh no! I get you a wipe!" and seconds later he'd raced over to where the wipes were, grabbed one, and raced back. Such service!
* * * * *
Isaac was sleeping so we went on a little walk around the front yard, Ezra chattering the whole time. He observed "oh, the big puddle is back!" thanks to the rain. But we couldn't "'plash in it because we're not wearing boots". (Of course, though, he didn't want me to get his boots because he "like[s] his circle shoes instead".) And then he observed that there was a rope hanging from the branch on the tree with a swing. Yes, I agreed, it was a swing. But that wasn't specific enough for him. "Mommy, it's a tire swing." After I pushed him a few times we were ready to go explore more. We went to go look at some bushes.
We were looking at a tree and he noticed it had acorns! Green acorns! (The big tree in our driveway has brown acorns.) I picked one to show him, but it was actually two acorns fused together! He saw them and said "Oh, look! It's brother acorns!"
* * * * *
* * * * *
I was on the phone, speaking to my new BSF leader for this year. She asked whether I had children and I said "yes, my son Ezra is two years old and my son Isaac is six months old." Ezra was on the front porch with me, and immediately started correcting me. "Mom! Mom! Isaac is zero. Not six. Mom! Isaac zero."
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Happy Birthday, Sam!
My BFF had a baby boy two years ago today. Our plan is, of course, that our boys be BFFs too!
September 2011
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The day before Sam was born! |
October 2011
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Five and a half and one and a half months old. |
December 2011
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Almost eight and almost four months old. |
February 2012
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Almost six and ten months old. |
March 2012
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Ten and a half and six and a half months old. |
July 2012
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Sixteen and ten months old. |
(Then a huge long break where we didn't see each other, except at Christmas and Memorial Day weekend, and didn't take photos either time...)
Monday, September 2, 2013
New Life
Again with the high highs and low lows this week! Except they're so much more extreme and for much better reason this week.
I was so heartbroken this morning, but then I received the best news that has just made everything better and more bearable. The heartbreak is still there, but I was just reminded anew that God determines death, yes, but new life too.
I was so heartbroken this morning, but then I received the best news that has just made everything better and more bearable. The heartbreak is still there, but I was just reminded anew that God determines death, yes, but new life too.
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