Saturday, January 11, 2020

Routine-ish 2020 week 2

Well, what a week.

Co-op actually went wonderfully well, especially compared against my low expectations. Isaac gave his report (with only a few tears at lunch time, beforehand, because he really doesn't understand the American Revolutionary War well) and Ezra exhibited so much self-control.

Of course, come time to do school on Tuesday he absolutely melted down and actually packed his pillowcase with every clothing item and said he was going to run away. He was only hiding behind the garage but still. It was a very rude awakening into this new-again routine. We all shed a lot of tears and prayed some desperate prayers and had some intense discussions. Nothing in my life has ever stretched me as much as this kid.

We're needing to relearn how to do school together and how to allllll our routines. We didn't review our history timeline often enough last quarter, so we're trying to do so more often this quarter.

Wenesday Ezra had his therapy appointment and the little boys and I hung out in the car, which was actually quite pleasant. Then I rushed off to do a new piano lesson and fill in for Seth at BEN while he coached Isaac's very first basketball game!! They won and Isaac told me he had the assist on Davin's two baskets. Whether or not that's really true I'm not sure.

It was also the tenth anniversary of Seth's marriage proposal, which is amazing if I stop and think about how quickly a decade flew by... which I just don't have the mental space to do yet.

We sent Job off to school Thursday morning and got a great deal of school done. Ezra did his math and grammar so cheerfully! And then the walk home from picking Job up from the bus took at least four times as long because we had to enjoy the freshly fallen snow!

There wasn't really enough snow but Isaac literally scraped up every bit he could to make Job this snowman:

My favorite part of the day, however, was that Ezra did two grammar worksheets on his own, apparently cheerfully, and absolutely correctly while I was teaching piano lessons!!! Plus I got to hang out with Moriah in her room (which was silent because her siblings were all gone) and catch up.
I've been working to teach the boys to help make and clean up breakfast and lunch. Isaac did such an amazing job on this omlet for Seth!!

Then Aunt Kathy came down for the day and brought her 50+ year old favorite board games. The boys love spending time with her. And we went out to dinner with my parents, so yet another night of skipping dinner.

After Seth and Isaac had their team pictures, he took Ezra ice skating (in reward for his cheerfulness at co-op) and then to the Proctor's to watch football while the little boys hung out with me while I cleaned and caught up on admin stuff. We're slowly rolling out the Playmobile stuff from my childhood and they're enthralled. And they're so so good at playing with each other. I can't imagine a more relaxing Saturday.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Happy New Year! 2020 week 1

The Proctors joined us to ring in the New Year and we stayed up way way too late (2am) playing card games. Isaac lasted until about 1am watching YouTube videos but we put Ezra and Job down for bed at 8pm because they needed the sleep.

New Years day we went to the Rutledge's open house and then Thursday we went to the Tacoma Children's Museum with the younger Bakers. Job loved riding on the Link and we'll have to do that somewhat regularly from now on.

Yesterdat was Seth's 34th birthday and the boys tried their hardest to make it a special day for him, beginning with a birthday omelet that Job primarily ate.

They also decorated and made him a (hotly contested flavor profile, but eventually became lemon raspberry) cake. Perhaps my favorite thing was that I got to take Job to the store with me to get lemon juice for the icing (and pick up my new FitBit) while Ezra and Isaac stayed home to clean the living room together. Of course, since Seth works from home they weren't really home alone, but what an amazing blessing to be able to give them a task and expect them to complete it!

We have week one of unit 3 at co-op this coming Monday so we tried to do our history readings yesterday and today without too much efficiency. Isaac has a report to prepare as well!

Davin and Delaney spent the day with us so their parents could get some projects done at home without them. The kids played together so well! And wore themselves out. Their parents sweetly brought teriyaki with them and we all ate together, so thus far into this new year I have yet to truly cook dinner.