Friday, January 18, 2013

Friday Update #3 (1/18/13)

This week flew by! We were driving home last night and I said something about "tomorrow, Thursday" and Seth just started laughing at me. I lost a few days this week, I guess. It seemed like we were hardly at home all week, and I guess that's true.

We got home late Monday night, I taught all day Tuesday and then crashed at home and watched a movie, finally slept in and hung out with Ruth on Wednesday... and then Thursday...

I'd been watching Ezra cut some molars all week and on Thursday his teething fever hit. Of course, I wasn't immediately confident that his fever was just because he was teething. He was so lethargic and sad all day that we just cuddled until I had to go teach at OAS and then Seth took him to Mom and Dad's to hang out while I finished teaching.

Dad pulled out some of the old Psalty and Donut Repair Club VHS tapes from when we were kids to show Seth and Ezra. So while I was teaching I got this text from Seth:

"We are like an empty donut and Jesus fills the whole in us."

I knew immediately exactly what he was talking about even though it's been a good 15 years since I've even thought about the Donut Repair Club. (Though we do occasionally talk about Psalty and how terrible the show was as Mom protests, since she still loves "the singing songbook".)

Seth, unfortunately wasn't given the opportunity to watch these shows as a kid, so it's a good thing we have kids now so that this oversight can be rectified.

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Once I got to my parents' from OAS we watched more Psalty and I cuddled with Ezra. His poor fever followed its usual pattern, spiking at 8pm at 102.7, and then breaking in the middle of the night. But Seth had fallen asleep on the couch, so we decided to just stay there and Ezra and I dozed fitfully on the couch throughout the night.

He woke up Friday relatively happy and back to his normal self, although he was still pretty quiet and clingy. After Grandpa made him eggs and he took a bath, we headed over to the Adams to hang out with them and catch up. Ezra has been asking for popcorn all week, since he saw popcorn-meant-for-the-chickens at the Meldrums', and he asked for popcorn almost as soon as we got into the Adams' house. That's how my kid behaves when we go out in public. But he sure was happy when they made it for him. Spoiled toddler.

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