Tuesday, December 31, 2013

On Photographs

At the park the other day, Seth snapped this photo of the boys and I. But he brought his phone to me last night to show me his editing job. I love this photo, and yes, the way Seth edited it.

However, when I see it, I think of how much fun we had at the park and how sweet it is that Seth even looked back through the photos on his phone, let alone edited one of them. That's not at all something he usually does. I definitely try to play family curator, taking photos and then trying to print them and send them to family members or post them online. But sometimes I trick myself into thinking that Seth doesn't care about making/preserving family memories just because he doesn't make as much effort to do so. There are a lot of reasons for that, including our families of origin and our perspectives on historic preservation, etc, but it's completely unfair to equate less effort with just not caring at all.

1 comment:

  1. I just caught up on reading your blog! I probably read 6+ posts. Glad that the potty training has been coming along well and I love seeing the photographs. :)
