Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Update #44 (11/1/13)

Seth was gone most of this week in Florida. The boys and I did ok. They mostly cooperated and we did try to get out and about bit to break things up.

My dad watched the boys for a couple of hours so I could drive up and pick Seth up on Wednesday. We grabbed lunch and chatted about his trip, since we hardly talked while he was gone, and then reunited our poor fatherless children with their father. Ezra was really glad to see Seth (yay!) but Isaac wasn't! We completely expected the opposite. After a few more days we'll have  better idea, I'm sure (and I fully recognize Isaac is just a baby!) but Isaac seems to have switched his alliance to me. He was firmly a Daddy's boy before Seth's trip. He was always most excited to see Seth and Seth always could soothe Isaac the best, but now...

We've never really celebrated Halloween and this year wasn't much of an exception. We got some candy, just for us (we never get trick or treaters). Church had a Reformation celebration and set up booths with activities and candy, but it's always so text-heavy that even the older kids seem to struggle. Ezra had no patience for the long explanations so we tried to make a wordless necklace (apparently Charles Spurgeon was the first to use red/white/black beads as a visual for the gospel?) and then he played with the foam swords that were out for the kids.

Yvonne surprised Jim with a trip to Ocean Shores for his birthday and on their way home they stopped to visit for the evening.

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