Saturday, September 29, 2012

Sherlock's Last Case

For my birthday Seth surprised me with tickets to see "Sherlock's Last Case" at the Lakewood Playhouse. He said it would be a shame for us to live a mere five minutes away from the Playhouse and never attend a show, and he knows I like the theater, so, off we went. My parents watched Ezra, which gave us a much needed break (especially after Ezra's latest all-consuming bout of sickness and teething).

We both agreed the play itself wasn't our favorite. The characters of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson both were changed, and not for the better. (To read a local critic's review, click here.)

But to be on a date and at the theater was wonderful.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Four Seasons Artwork

Lately some of my Facebook friends have been posting some of their artwork featuring trees with spring, summer, fall and winter foliage (or lack thereof). I love the idea, but I'm not sure if it's something that would work in my house (especially because fall decorations/blankets/dishes/candles, etc. are featured so prominently...) Still, I definitely want to keep this idea in mind.

"Defaced" Scentsy Warmer by Diane Crum
"Spring," "Summer," "Fall" and "Winter" by Tracy Andrews
Close up of "Spring"
Artwork credit: here
Artwork credit: here

Monday, September 24, 2012


I turned twenty-six years old yesterday (not twenty-four like I told someone last week). It was Sunday, so after church, we all met up at my parents' house and had dinner and ice cream cake and then drove to downtown Tacoma and rode the link to the Theater District to catch the tail end of the Broadway Center Fall Free For All, which culminated in an edition of the Tacoma Round.

It was a very special birthday.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Your Front Page Giveaway!

Your Front Page is hosting a give away, with six! different ways to win your very own personalized page. Head over to their blog to enter:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Announcement! Announcement! Announcement!

We are excited to announce that in approximately six months our family's new addition will be joining us!

Baby Parkinson #2
Due March 20, 2013

Monday, September 10, 2012

Charissa's House

My friend Charissa and her husband Chris recently bought a house in Northridge, just a bit north of Vancouver, WA. So Ezra and I, along with Auntie Ruth (or "Foof") went down for a brief visit.