Friday, June 29, 2012

Rainier's Game!

We finally made it to a baseball game!

The three of us at Cheney Stadium.
Ezra got a ball during bating practice.
We sat on blankets on the berm.
Then Grandpa came!
Rhubarb the Reindeer!
The whole gang. (Minus Seth and I.)

We went to the game in part to watch the pitching match up between Jamie Moyer and Danny Hultzen.  As Dad said, the old vs. the new. It actually wasn't a very good game, baseball wise, but we had a great time.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Tire Swing

We love our tire swing.

This week Ezra "graduated" to swinging on it all by himself.

Monday, June 25, 2012

June Church Picnic

Ezra has several friends at church that are 11-17 months old, so it's been fun to watch them grow alongside Ezra, and for him to learn to interact with them.

For example, at the June Church Picnic on the trampoline.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Walk Tacoma: North Waterfront

Ezra, Mom and I went on another of Walk Tacoma's walks, this time the North Waterfront walk. We had fun, despite the rain, especially because Grandma was with us.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Decorating Advice?

This summer I've been trying to straighten up our house and get things organized and cleaned up. And decorated. Especially putting stuff up on the walls. So weigh in:

Issue #1:

I saw this project somewhere on the internet. A few months ago I broke the glass to this wood frame, so it was perfect for the job. I grabbed some dark purple craft paint, gave it two coats, "nailed" a nail into the wall (with a mug, since I couldn't find a hammer), hung a blinder clip on the nail and then hung the frame on the nail too. Then I hung Ezra's latest drawing in the clip. Ta da!

I can't decide, though, if I really like it.

 Issue #2:

What to do with this big section of blank wall?

These two frames were standing up on our mantle, but on a whim I hung them up. I think they're too small for this area and I don't necessarily think I like family photos on the wall? I don't know, I have conflicting feelings about that.

I think I'm at least going to frame a 8x10 of the three of us and hang it there to see if that works.

Issue #3

I haven't found a plant to plant in this hanger. (Which Mom macraméd in high school 30 some years ago.)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

To celebrate Father's Day, we drove up to Jack's house in Newcastle and BBQed.

We managed to get several photos of the six kids and Dad...

...but none of Seth and Ezra... So to compensate, I'm posting a few of my favorite photos of the two of them from this last year.
May 2011
July 2011
September 2011
December 2011
January 2012
March 2012
May 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Park Date with Allison and Sarah

We met up with Allison and Sarah to see their new home and had a picnic and then played in the park and went on a walk through downtown Sumner. Ezra adores Allison and Sarah and misses them deeply when he doesn't see them.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

David Graduated!

My little brother graduated yesterday, from Mount Rainier High School.

The week was full of all kinds of activities, like Junior Classical League (JCL) night (Monday), Costa Rica Field Trip night (Tuesday), Honor Society Induction for Emily (Thursday), Senior Awards night (Friday) and then of course, graduation (Saturday).

David plans on attending University of Washington Tacoma this fall, and I'm so glad that he's staying close to home.

JCL members.
Mr. Winterstein and David and Emily.
Greek dancing!
Playing on the bleachers during the award ceremony.
Awards: best hair (wig); best laugh (Mad Libs); participation in the debate/forensic club (honor cord). 
Proud observers.
Class of 2012.
Woo hoo!
Grandma, David, Grandpa.
David's graduation present from Mom.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Emily's Induction into Honor Society

Emily had the great honor of being inducted into the National Honor Society yesterday.

The program.
Receiving her certificate.
Proud parents.