Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday Update #7 (2/20/15)

Seth will probably never be convinced to care about Valentine's Day or celebrating most holidays, for that matter (due to upbringing and scorn of commercialism, I guess), but I wanted to make a big deal out of it for the boys. Isaac's favorite shape is the heart and Ezra noticed all of the red/white/pink decorations all over and admired my sisters' bouquets, so he asked several times what we were doing for Valentine's Day too.

I was happy to oblige such a cute kid, so we spent several hours cutting out and gluing construction paper hearts, both the make Daddy cards and to make collages for the wall, and then had heart pizza and heart cake. 

I made a chore chart for Ezra that was a big hit. I think it's something we will continue to do for a while, because he really liked it and it was a great way to keep him motivated to do the things he's expected to do. It took a bit of pressure off of me too, because I could use the chore chart as "the heavy" (ie, "well, before we do ____, let's check the chore chart and see what we need to do first!").

Seth had a morning off work so he got to do school with us and then go to the Y with us. Ezra appreciated the audience and I appreciated the extra pair of hands.

Seth's been pretty focused on brushing up his basketball skills, so he's tried to get to the Y to practice as much as he can. I think he was a bit disappointed to find (during the high school basketball season) that his basketball abilities had diminished as much as they had since college. It's to be expected, of course, that if you don't play for seven years you at least won't be any better, but still frustrating.

Then boys came down with what we were initially worried was conjunctivitis, but turned out to simply be a weird sinus infection, so we had a pretty low key week. We skipped the Y and such for the rest of the week so as to be careful and not infect other people.

When Caleb was here he gave the boys an old baseball jersey he wore and Ezra has gotten a kick out of wearing it. He thinks he's so cool.

We had a busy weekend too. On Saturday I took the boys to the zoo and to the waterfront for the day. We had a lot of fun but my goodness did it wear me out! We definitely need days out and about, though. It's rejuvenating to explore, especially in the sunshine. And then on Sunday we had our monthly dinner with three other couples from church. This was actually our last (of four) dinners with this group and we hosted. Seth came up with the idea to make homemade pizza the morning of, so he took the boys to my parents and then did some last minute shopping while I did some cleaning and then we made pizza together. It wasn't meant to be a "date" but turned out to be pretty fun, despite the company. ;) And then we collapsed in front of the TV and watched a silly cooking show we used to watch and procrastinated on picking the kids up. We don't get much, if any, time without the boys to just relax. The babysitting we get always has a specific purpose, like to allow me to teach piano lessons, so this was quite the treat.

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