Memorial Day weekend Ezra learned to say "shoe" and I'm sure a day hasn't gone by (let alone an hour) that he hasn't said it since. He loves to wear his shoes (and he knows exactly where they're kept, as well as Mommy's closet of shoes), especially because that usually means we're headed outside, but he also loves other people to wear their shoes too. He finds it very upsetting when people take their shoes off and will often rush over and help you put them back on. Whenever we go out, we often see him looking at other people's shoes. He's obsessed.
But then. Ezra discovered high heels a couple of weeks ago. I have one pair of heels left over from a friend's wedding and Ezra has claimed them for his very own. And he's also learned where my sisters keep their heels and when we're at my parents' he will often go into their rooms and come out wearing a pair of heels. He usually requests to wear heels when he's dancing, but really any occasion will do.