On Saturday, Seth's friend Kevin invited Seth to join him in a 3-on-3 basketball tournament to benefit Eastside Academy. With the exception of one basketball game during MBR every year, Seth hasn't played basketball since college (at least seven years ago!). But after coaching this winter, Seth has been shooting hoops at the Y quite a bit and probably just thinking about basketball quite a bit more than usual.
There were probably about ten teams of three and, after determining seeding, the tournament began. Seth and Kevin and Mike played pretty well for never playing together and for being, um, old? Two of them started cramping up pretty badly during the last game and that was probably the reason they lost. By three points.
The church hosting the tournament was huge and allowed for a lot of room to run around and explore, plus it had such a cool park! (Too bad it rained all of two minutes after we started playing.)
We had pizza with Kevin and Mike and then went to a park in the middle of Bellevue (totally a perk of Seth's familiarity with the general area and perhaps the East side in particular: he knows where everything is!). Seth had to make phone calls for a while but got to play with us for the most part. While it was still daylight. On a Saturday. Hooray!!
We were supposed to host a family from church for lunch after church, but they had to cancel and though we asked a few more people, it was actually really nice that no one could come over. We lazed around all afternoon.
The week was slow for work, but since Seth had lots to do at TBS and for the upcoming mission trip it was nice that he got some extra time.
Usually the TV is in our bedroom, but especially when I have a lot of laundry to fold, etc, we move it out to the living room. Monday morning the TV was still out in the living room (from the night before) AND the boys even got to watch a show before we headed off for the day. Isaac is sometimes interested in shows, probably just because Ezra is, but we just thought it was so cute that they sat bundled up together and gave us a few minutes to get some things done.
I don't exactly know why we decided to go to Jamba Juice, but we did and had so much fun. The boys have mentioned it several times this week. Ezra even listed it first when he was telling us about the stories he will someday tell his own children.
We try really hard not to tell Ezra that someday he will get married and have kids, because we don't know if he will and don't want to assume or set him up with false expectations. But when he brings the subject up we will sometimes ask him questions. This week he told us, as we were driving in the car that he thinks his wife (established weeks ago as "Smoofy Girl"?) will have twins. A boy and a girl, but he doesn't know their names yet because his wife is going to pick them out. I asked him if he would let me hold his twins after they're born and he thought about it for a few minutes and said "well, you're going to have to ask my wife". But he said that Isaac would be a good uncle to them and that Isaac could hold them.
Tuesday I taught all afternoon and then, as I was on my way to pick up the boys, Seth called to ask if I could go buy 30 waters and bananas and $1 hamburgers and bring them to Chief Leshi. It took me an hour to get everything he needed and grab the kids, but we got to the field before the second game started and handed out the food. In the 2B league there are a number of teams who really struggle to play... competently? And as such their seven inning games take quite a while. Since they have mostly double headers on the schedule, the second game that's supposed to start at 5pm sometimes doesn't start til closer to 7pm, but by then, of course, it's nearly dark and none of the fields so far have lights. So the second Chief Leshi game was called after an inning and will have to be replayed at some point. There are a number of issues (such as the exclusivity of double headers and the very league we're in) that are problematic and the result of a previous Athletic Director's decisions.
There was a football field across from the baseball field (with lights) and Isaac watched football players trickle in, carrying their helmets and kept asking and asking to go see "at-ball" (it sounds like "apple" but really means "football") all night, so once the baseball game finished we went over and watched football practice. Isaac did watch pretty intently, but he also ran around in excitement:
Most nights Seth and I try to watch a show together, but we both get up so early and are so busy throughout the day that by the time the boys are asleep, we crash into bed and quickly fall asleep ourselves. We're watching "The Killing" right now, on Netflix, and it usually takes two nights to watch a 40 minute episode, haha. We're also finishing up the last seasons of "The Office" (even though it's Seth's favorite show, we stopped watching once Michael left and only recently decided to give season 8-9 a try... so far it's not as bad as we feared) and "Parks and Rec" right now too.
I've been listening to a lot more music lately, though. Mostly the BSF hymns Ezra is learning and a playlist of Bible songs I made the boys, but some of my old music too. On the way home from the game, two of the boys fell asleep and the other fell asleep as soon as we got home and, of course, I couldn't fall asleep so I laid in bed listening to Band of Horses. It was so blissful.
Every week Ezra's BSF class sings four hymns (out of the 12? 16? in their "hymnal" for that year) and I try to work on those hymns with him during the week. He knows the majority of them now, as the school year draws to a close.
About a week after they began building the new playground outside the Y, it was finally finished and open for business! We may just get to play at this park every time we're at the Y.
These two sometimes get into these surprisingly lengthy conversations. Apparently sometimes while sitting on my dining room table.
Isaac is pretty hard to get down for a nap. I'd guess he's down to two naps a week? But when he does nap it's pretty great.
Our dryer broke so we spent a month or two going to the laundromat down the street, perhaps mostly out of laziness rather than fixing the old one or buying a new one. When I stop to think about it, I'm really annoyed with myself that I left two months stretch by without just getting a new dryer for goodness sakes, but that's the way it goes sometimes. I'm either busy or tired and too often justify relaxing when the boys are finally asleep instead of catching up on non-urgent tasks. Meanwhile the washed-but-not-dry laundry piles up, since almost always every item of clothing each of us wears needs washed after we wear it once because of the sweatiness/dirt/snot accumulation. Every few days I'm occasionally able to salvage a shirt or pair of pants that I've worn and kept clean (ie, away from the boys), but such is life with little boys.
However, we just bought a new dryer and my dad picked it up and took it to his house because I wasn't ready for it, but I sure needed to get ready! Getting ready means, however, going through everything in the garage - both to make room to bring in the dryer AND because the garage definitely needs to be cleaned up anyway. I've been working pretty hard to purge our house and clothes this winter, but everything I've discarded has gone straight into the garage. So yes, my house has become cleaner and more organized but at the garage's expense. I'm relieved to report, though, that after spending at least an hour out there every day this week, I'm now pleased with the results and will shortly be arranging to bring the new dryer home!
We also set up our old tent in the backyard for the boys to play in. The zipper broke last summer while we were camping, so it's useless except as a play tent.
Every time we leave our house I have to pack a bag with diapers and a change of clothes, some snacks and some books. But lately Ezra has been packing his own bag with his snakes and Superheroes or whatever it is he wants to take along. Well, in typical monkey-see-monkey-do fashion, Isaac has been insisting on packing a bag too. It adds quite a bit of time to our morning preparations, but they're thrilled. And it makes for cute photos: