I took the boys to their favorite "castle park" at Fort Steilacoom for FOUR hours! We didn't mean to stay that long but we were having such a great time that we just stayed and stayed. And then they fell asleep at 6pm, on the drive home!
Then on Tuesday I had a couple of cancellations so we had a few free hours in Sumner so we got to hang out with two former piano students. They love Ezra and Ezra loves them. Well, they love Isaac too, but they don't know him as well because they stopped taking lessons right before he was born. But we've actually been pretty faithful to see them every other month or so.
Wednesday I had another cancellation, which was quite providential because I had a lot of paperwork to finish up for the quarter. The poor boys had to entertain themselves inside while I finished that.
Thursday they helped me pack Seth and I up for Snow Retreat and we spent a while outside. They got new umbrellas for Christmas and love stomping around in their rainboots and umbrellas.
Our playgroup got cancelled Friday morning so I got a lot of cleaning and last minute paperwork complications done and then Seth took the kids to my parents and we headed off to Snow Retreat.
I actually went on this same Snow Retreat, at the same place (just outside of Leavenworth) with the same churches, when I was in high school and then chaperoned a few times in college, but I hadn't been for 7-8 years? It was rather amazing how little it has changed.
We only had 12 students go with another three or four students that couldn't go, so it's not large enough a "youth group" to plan a winter retreat ourselves, so it's been nice to be included (and have all of the planning done for us) with these other churches. Seth has gone the last few years but this year he and the students talked me into going. I wasn't sure that I should leave the kids for "so long" but, as he said, it was really only 48 hours. There wasn't a reason not to go, since my parents were willing to watch the kids. (Although, next time we get overnight babysitting it's going to be to go on a date/trip!)
We had a great time, not surprisingly. It was great to spend so much time with the high schoolers and get some snow time in and hear some great lectures.
This is a photo from one of the students. I think it's edited - well, I know it's edited. But isn't the location beautiful?
I think we both missed the kids but it was refreshing to have a bit of a break. And they did really well for mom and dad. They got to go to the zoo and do all kinds of crafts and watch movies!
We made it home just in time for the Superbowl and were reunited with the kids, but that's about all I can bear to say about Sunday. It's going to be a looonnnggg time until we recover from that game. Good thing baseball season is only a few weeks away.